
When life throws you lemons, make lemonade – easier said than done. Nice sentiment but how do we actually make the lemonade when there is no end to lemons and no sugar in sight!

There are moments in life when you find yourself “overly” challenged and you can feel like you will never get through the quagmire. You have been bombarded with lemons and that juice is stinging your eyes like crazy – can’t see yet alone function. 

When life throws you a curve ball, and in your head you know that there is a lesson for you, everything happens for a reason blah, blah, blah …. but your heart is heavy and hurting. 

When you find yourself in this situation and you are scrambling for answers here is what to do: 

  1. STOP – take a moment to breathe and reflect.
    • Go for a walk, bike ride, take a long bath
    • Give yourself space to sit with and process your feelings
    • Reflect, take time to just “Be”
  2. Look at your options
    • What is my preferred option and what is required to secure this?
    • What is my plan B (and Plan C, D ….) option and what is required to secure this?
    • What is worst case scenario – face the facts.
  3. Phone a friend
    • Take counsel from your mentor or coach
    • Have the honest conversation with your spouse or closest friend
    • Keep things to yourself and choose your counsel wisely
  4. Process the emotions
    • Find the benefits of the curve ball
    • Imagine the worst case scenario, and find the benefits if that was too occur
    • Ask yourself “how does this serve my purpose”?
  5. Access your plans and goals
    • Are they aligned?
    • Are they realistic?
    • What is the message that I am not seeing?
    • What is most important to me?

So I am a well-qualified coach and I continue to work on myself and walk my talk. After a recent curve ball of my own, I went through the process above.

As a result of my recent curve ball, I have rescheduled the next Brisbane workshops Here is the Link:



Challenges don’t go away – they get bigger – as you grow, they grow!

Need help with your challenges, then lets talk