For Those Looking For Financial Empowerment
An Exclusive Sustainable Wealth Workshop

During a Private Consultation with Laura, you will:
- Know how to manage the mental demands so prevalent in modern life
- Clear your subconscious fear which is reducing your effectiveness in your vocation
- Clear the hidden internal guilt which is preventing external financial success
- Eliminate what is in your way from having the income and wealth you deserve
- Clear your distractions, procrastination and/or self-sabotage
- Break free from your current holding pattern and go to the next level and beyond
- Turn chaos into order, stress and anxiety into poised presence and crystal clear vision
- Know your values, goals, vision and purpose

I’m Laura
Laura is a leader in problem solving, showing the way for others to navigate through their challenges and offering solutions that allow them to live by design. Laura is a Master certified Demartini Method Facilitator and specializes in human behaviour, integrating The Demartini Method® with her results driven programs to assist clients to live in their highest values and to be inspired by life, by teaching them to overcome their challenges, obtain self-governance and activate their true potential.
There is more to wealth than just money.
True wealth encompasses all the seven areas of life
Spiritual Wealth
To be connected to God, The Source, Divinity, Energy, Others. To feel that life has meaning and purpose. To have a sense of fulfilment.
Mental Wealth
To learn and continue to expand mentally. To Have wisdom and an understanding of the world in which we live.
Vocational Wealth
To be in a meaningful employ, career or business. To put knowledge into action, and feel productive and purposeful.
Financial Wealth
To be in a state of financial self-sufficiency. To have or be on the pathway of having financial independence.
Familial Wealth
To be in a loving relationship. To have deep and meaningful connection and interaction with family.
Physical Wealth
To be in a state of wellness. To have vitality, energy and stamina.
Social Wealth
To be connected to and be heard by many. To have a significant sphere of influence.
The Wealth Mindset Shift is an integrative
Approach that encompasses all areas of life.
A Powerful and Transformative Two Day Workshop
Intensive with Laura Hughes
For Individuals Who Are Looking For Sustainable Wealth