
What is The Demartini Method?

It was developed by Dr. John F. Demartini. It is the culmination of more than forty years of research and studies in numerous disciplines including physics, philosophy, theology, metaphysics, psychology, astronomy, mathematics, neurology and physiology…


The Demartini Method® is:

  • A systematic pre-determined series of mental questions and physical actions directed toward the objective of bringing to an individual’s conscious mind the states of presence and certainty, and to their physical body the feelings of gratitude and unconditional love.

  • A procedure that neutralizes an individual’s emotional charges, balances their mental and physical reactions opens their heart, and clears their mind

  • A continuous thinking process and writing action repeated over a course of time resulting in a resolution of dis-equilibrated perceptions.

  • A reproducible science enabling individuals to discover the underlying order governing their

    apparent daily chaos

The Demartini Method® is the most powerful methodology in personal transformation. It will assist you in making quantum leaps in consciousness in quantum time. What once took weeks, months or even years can now be accomplished in a matter of hours. It is a foolproof and effective means of transforming any form of stress or conflict into grateful states of love and vitality.

The Demartini Method® is now being used in over 50 countries throughout the world and is being studied in a number of Universities. Millions of individuals have now heard of this stress reducing, conflict resolving and heart opening method. It is presently being introduced to psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, health professionals, prison workers, business executives, financial specialists, film producers, actors, politicians, and U.N. delegates. Anyone can benefit from learning how to use this most important and life changing tool.

About Dr John Demartini

the originator of The Demartini Method®

Dr. John F. Demartini is a human behavioral specialist, author and business consultant. His trail- blazing philosophy and revolutionary understanding is reshaping modern psychology and business and transforming the lives of millions. As a retired chiropractor, researcher, writer and philosopher, his studies have made him a leading expert on healing, human transformation and philosophy. Dr. Demartini is the founder of The Demartini Institute, creator of The Breakthrough Experience® and originator of The Demartini Method®.

He has written dozens of books, including four best-selling books entitled Count Your Blessings – The Healing Power of Gratitude and Love; The Breakthrough Experience® – A Revolutionary New Approach to Personal Transformation; How to Make One Hell of a Profit and Still Get to Heaven, You Can Have an Amazing Life in Just 60 Days, The Heart of Love, The Gratitude Effect and The Riches Within. Articles and feature stories about Dr. Demartini and his insightful personal and professional development methodologies have appeared in numerous international magazines and newspapers.

His work has been referenced in dozens of books and he has appeared on hundreds of radio and television news and talk shows

As a presenter, Dr. Demartini has shared his transformative principles and methodologies in conferences to business executives, health professionals, financial managers and business consultants working in the field of human consciousness and has presented along side many other well respected speaking professionals including Rupert Sheldrake, William Tiller, Peter Russell, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Donald Beck, Fritjof Capra, Nathaniel Brandon, Andrew Weil, Gary Schwartz, Stephen Covey and many more.

As a presenter, Dr. Demartini has shared his transformative principles and methodologies in conferences to business executives, health professionals, financial managers and business consultants working in the field of human consciousness and has presented along side many other well respected speaking professionals including Rupert Sheldrake, William Tiller, Peter Russell, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Donald Beck, Fritjof Capra, Nathaniel Brandon, Andrew Weil, Gary Schwartz, Stephen Covey and many more.

As a pioneer on the frontier of human consciousness and an explorer of the ultimate nature of reality, Dr. Demartini is also a leader in the field of psycho-spiritual development & transformation.